Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Star Wars Fleet Battle: The Fleet Emerges

Star Wars Fleet Battle: The Fleet Emerges

Star Wars Fleet Battle Report #5

Wow, two reports back to back! Anyways, this will be the final report I put up before I begin work on the Rules Video people have been requesting: Where me and a friend will play the game with video surveillance, and explain in a non-boring fashion how this game works. 

Again, if you haven't stayed updated on the story up to this point, I highly recommend you read my first post and work your way up: enjoy the story and the game!

Story: A spy within the Imperial Command Infrastructure has reported to Admiral Salira of the Sunbelt Rebel Cell that an Imperial Communications Cruiser has been disabled in an isolated Asteroid Belt. Carrying and filtering millions of Imperial Communications across nearby systems, this could be the perfect opportunity to plant a spike, and listen in on Imperial Communications. 

Aboard the Frigate, Ilums Redemption, Salira, along with Captains Galan and Andor, decide to hatch a daring plan: board the still full Communications Cruiser and install a spike, then retreating back into Hyperspace. Escorted by Fighter Squadrons headed up by Desmond Mil'k and Kareda, they don't see what could go wrong.

That is, however, until Admiral Tren's and Captain Osprey are sent to recover and rescue the same Cruiser.....

 The Rebel Fleet is in full display today, with Admiral Salira commanding from his Pulson D Class Frigate, and supported by Corellian Corvettes headed up by Captains Galan and Andor. Desmond shall once again be leading the main fighter force, while Kareda heads up support and defense of the Y-Wing Squadron.

Our Imperial rescue force is being headed up by Admiral Trens, with support from Captain Osprey, once again aboard the Intervention. Leading the TIE Force is the Ace Pilot known merely by his code name, 'Dynaco'.

The Cruiser in question is located in the middle of this asteroid belt, orbiting a nearby Planet of unknown name or origin. As Trens and his fleet enter the system, scanners report that the Rebel Fleet was already their, and closing in on the cruiser.

Thinking fast, alarms are raised, and TIEs are quickly scrambled to gain control of the Belt and hold it until Tren's Star Destroyer can come in to take out the Rebel Command.

Knowing that the Empire was onto them, Salira ordered Desmond's fighters forward, along with Kareda's. The Bombers were tasked with remaining near the Frigate.

Lead by Dynaco, the TIEs rush to intercept the X-Wings, with Osprey closing in on the right side of the Cruiser in an effort to take out Galans Corvette, who is equipped with the Trained Marines tasked with boarding the Cruiser.

The TIEs are able to beat the Rebels to the Belt, swarming it and attacking the Fighters and Corvettes. Red 3 (Salazar), would be the first casualty of battle, being killed by Dynaco himself. Osprey, his Turbolasers aiming at the Tribune, instantly take out Galan's shields.

Due to the TIEs blocking off the narrow pass to the Cruiser, Galan is forced to push towards Osprey's Frigate instead of boarding as planned.

The Rebel turn would result in the deaths of many TIE Pilots, with the Tribune and the Redemption taking out 3 TIEs each. The X-Wings took out an additional 2 TIEs.

With the Tribune being forced to make a loop around, Galan is forced to confront the much more powerful Frigate. Osprey, unfortunatly, misses most of his shots, able to at least deplete his shields again.

As Trens closes in on the Asteroid belt, he begins firing at the fighters as they prepare to loop around from their attacks on the TIEs. Red 6 (Zahrac) is instantly blown into a fireball as he veers and collides with an asteroid.

The TIEs instantly start targetting Salira's command vessel, firing onto Ilum's Liberator as Osprey moves onto the frigate. Trens opens fire onto Galan as well, damaging one of his Engines.

Osprey smirks as he starts to close in on the Rebel Vessel, confident in his victory and knowing the defeat of the enemy commander would boost his ranking. That was, until Salira deployed his secret weapon: Anti-Shield Missiles. Osprey then realized that all of his shields were suddenly taken out by Salira's missiles, leaving him open to imminent attack.

Realizing Galan wasn't going to be able to dock, and knowing that time was running out with Trens coming in, Captain Andor decided to take a risk and board the cruiser. Despite his crew being untrained in Marine tactics, the boarding party was able to fight for the main hallway into the cruiser. After many rolls, the Rebel Boarding party was able to win each time, fighting their way to the ships Communications Center with almost no drawbacks.

As the Rebels attempted to defend the boarding party, they would lose 4 more pilots to the Imperial TIEs. Osprey and Salira, with shields and shield generators now depleted, began firing into each others sides

The Boarding crew fights back to Andor's Corvette, right as Trens enters the belt. Andor's Corvette disembarks from the cruiser, and the Rebels now have one objective: escaping the field with the information intact. And Trens isn't going to let that happen.

 The Bombers, who had been seperated from the frigate in the ensuing commotion, were now being targeted by the TIEs. Trens, meanwhile, was homing in on Andor, destroying two more of his engines and reducing his speed.

With Andor crippled, Galan places his own corvette in the line of fire, protecting him and taking on fire meant for Andor. Salira, meanwhile, fires his Turbolasers into the bridge of the Intervention, killing Osprey in fire storm.

 The TIEs kill another Y-Wing, with Saladin (Yellow 1), now scared that he has been abandoned. The rest of the Rebel Force continues their retreat, with the TIEs firing into the engines of the retreating Ships, just about crippling Saliras command vessel.

 They were almost to the point where they can jump. With Andor down to two engines, Galan makes the ultimate sacrifice: he flies in front of Trens, attempting to block his fire. It would be Dynaco, however, that fires the killing blow to the Tribune.

 The others don't have time to mourn however, and use the bought time to reach the finish. With orders from Salira, Andor, along with Blue 1 (Desmond), 2 (Corin), and Blue 4 (Kassus) escape the battle.

Despite urges from Salira, Kareda, the sole survivor of Red Squadron, decides to not jump, opting instead to cover the still retreating Salira. She doubles back, firing and destroying 2 TIE fighters firing on Ilums Liberator. Dynaco, the last remaining member of his Unit, flies right behind Kareda and, despite Salira's calls and warning, is shot in her rear engine. Her fighter spirals out of control, before floating in the space. Despite his attempts to reach the Rebel Hero of Sunbelt Squadron.... she never responded back.

With a reluctant sigh, he crosses the line, escaping into hyperspace from the battle, and leaving behind the unknown fates of Kareda and Salladin.

This was one of my favorite battles to play out. I loved being able to implement actual command cruisers and ships for the rebellion, instead of just Fighters. This was also the closest I believe a battle has ever been, with the tensions even higher than the last one! It was only thanks to the sacrifice of the Tribune that the Redemption was able to get away, even when majorly crippled. I was also worried Salira would be killed in his first appearance, but what delighted to find he would survive to fight another day.

So to recap, these kind of battles are always my favorite: where the ending is not certain until the very end actually happens. While this was a Rebel Victory, it wasn't without some major losses for them. Dynaco proved to be a very Competent TIE Pilot, scoring 2 X-Wing Kills and delivering massive damage to the bigger cruisers. Desmond didn't really shine in this battle, besides surviving.

Next Time: The spike placed by the Rebel Boarding Party revealed some very interesting information: Imperial Transport schedules, factory locations, base placements, etc. The most interesting, however, was a supposed Prisoner Transfer happening from the planet of Sylcara, where there supposedly wasn't even an Imperial Base. The prisoners engaged in the Transfer proved to be more interesting, however, especially to Desmond. Included in the exchange were multiple Rebel Sympathizers and Pirates. Included on the list were several members of Desmond's old Squadron, most of whom he had originally presumed as dead.

He needed to get to that transport..... before it leaves for the Spice Mines of Kessel.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Star Wars Fleet Battle: Piracy Doesn't Pay

Star Wars Fleet Battle: Piracy Doesn't Pay

Star Wars Fleet Battle Report #4

Hello, once again! I am back, after a very long time, to bring you another battle report! I would like to apologize for how long it has taken to make this one, its just that life has been super busy. This report will stray a little away from the Rebel Cell we have been following, so this one won't really play into the story.... yet. Enjoy!

Story: After Tren's victory over the Rebels, he was assigned to become the Sector Commander of the Tallahrn System. His first task as Sector Commander is to stop the ruthless smuggling activities of the young Zabrak known as Zillani, a Smuggler and Pirate. Commandeering a Blockade Runner known as the Wolverine, he has been sited delivering supplies and information to a pirate, and possibly Rebel, group on the planet of Sylcara. Trens objective to to stay on stand bye until the smuggler returns, before springing a trap on him.

Leading our Smuggling Operation today is  the Zabrak Smuggler Zillani, commanding the Blockade Runner Wolverine. He will be accompanied by an escort of 9 X-Wings (Because I have no other fighters), lead by the Pirate Commander known as Drek. 

The Imperial Blockade surrounding the humid and fungal planet of Sylcara is lead by Commander  Morad aboard the Customs Frigate, The Seraph, along with Corporal Leersh, who will direct operations from The Seraph's hangar. Along the Morad is Captain Osprey, who is heading up the frigate, Intervention

The stage is set for our battle. Zillani and his Pirate escort from the planet are ready to breach the blockade and make it back off again. The Rebel Objective is not only to reach the planet and deliver the supplies, but also to escape the blockade and blast off into Hyperspace. The Imperial Objective is to both stop the shipment, as well as to prevent Zillani from escaping again. Special abilities included in this round are mainly from Zillani, who has the ability to put a cloaker on and disguise his ship from Imperial Sensors by deploying Decoys. The other main ability would come from Corporal Leersh, who has the ability to deploy additional TIE Units once all other units on the battlefield are destroyed. While Empire has numbers and superior firepower as an advantage, the Blockade Runner, is faster, has the ability to deploy decoys, and has two Shield Generators equipped (Which allows the Runners shields to regenerate twice as fast)

The Imperial Blockade is surrounding the planet (Represented by the stones), while our Smugglers enter the restricted area. Upon entry, Morad immedietly alerts Imperial High Command, and alerts the TIEs.

The Pirate Force moves first, just slowly heading towards the blockade along the left side. The Imperials send their TIEs to intercept them, while maintaining their cruiser positions. Osprey, however, does move up towards Morads Cruiser.

Whether the Pirates even had a strategy was debatable, but whatever it was, they needed to enact it in able to face the swarms of TIEs closing in on them

The Fighter part slightly in order to make some room for the Runner, who's guns are primed for battle. Yellow 7 (Filoni) delivers the first kill as he destroys a TIE Fighter, with the Wolverine eliminating another TIE from the same unit. A TIE, however, was able to take out Yellow 9 (Thrane) during that units attack run. 

Zillani uses the time to deploy his decoys. Three in total, all going in separate directions. While the decoys will confuse the cruisers, the Runner cannot fire (as that would reveal the ships position). To reveal which is the real ship, a TIE group has to strafe the decoy marker, and thus reveal if it was a decoy or the real ship. 3 more TIEs were taken out by the Pirates this turn.

The TIEs strafe two decoys before finding the Wolverine, and firing into its starboard side, effectively taking its shields down. With the X-Wings preparing to turn around and reengage the TIEs swarming over the corvette, Morad and Osprey fire on them with Turbolasers. While the inexpirienced Osprey misses Yellow 4 (Kallani)'s squad, Morad is able to destroy Yellow 8 (Hidalgo)

The Wolverine, upon its cloak being taken out, fired all it's guns onto the TIE, completely destroying a TIE unit as it attempts to enter the planet. Yellow 6 (Brutus) is shot down by a surviving TIE, as Morad's cruiser moves in to intercept the Smuggler, his turbolasers taking out what remained of Zillani's shields.

Filoni, with a shot to his engine, goes down in a ball of flames. As the Cruiser continues to fire at the Runner, Drek's Unit strafes Morad's Cruiser, firing Ion Torpedoes that disable the vessel. As crewmen scramble to get the ship operational again, Zillani is able to escape onto the planets surface and delivers the supplies.

While Zillani is dropping the supplies off onto the planets surface, Admiral Trens exits hyperspace, having been alerted of the Smugglers return by Morad. Deploying two squadrons of TIE fighters, and having been alerted that Zillani has escaped to the planets surface, Trens immedietly gets to work as he tries to block off Zillani's escape. The Zabrak would not escape the Empire again.

As Morad's Cruiser recovers from the Ion blast and turns, he fires on, and destroys, the rest of Yellow 6's unit. Zillani, realizing he is being trapped, panics and reactivates his cloak. He does this at a poor time, however, as his decoys are quickly swarmed by TIEs and the Frigates in close pursuit.

The Wolverine was found almost instantly, with TIE fighters pounding the engines of the now shield-less Runner. With its speed reducing by almost half, Zillani starts to truly panic. He pushes onward, hoping that he has enough armor and speed to be able to get past the Trens and make his jump. 

He almost makes it. Morad, however, would be what ends him. He fires again at his engines, taking out two more and halving his speed again. With his ship drifting helplessly next to Trens Star Destroyer, not even a turn goes by before the Corvette is destroyed.

The battle officially ends as Drek, the Pirate Naval Commander and Fighter Leader, watches as Trens fires an endless barage into the Wolverine, the runner breaking apart and exploding. No escape pods were launched from the ship, with the only Pirate survivor being Drek and a fellow pilot in his unit, who would then be captured by Trens and be brought aboard his Destroyer for interrogation. 

This battle was.... interesting. I purposely made the Empire outnumber the Pirate force in a test to see if the Rebels really could pull off a mission while outnumbered. Considering that they didnt have to worry about destroying the bigger ships, they almost got away with it. Zillani came so close to fully winning this match, its almost sad to see he didn't succeed. 

Next Time: With the destruction of what was left of Desmond's Cell, he has come over to join Kareda's group, under the command of Admiral Salira. The Cell learns of an Imperial Intelligence Cruiser that was stranded and broken down in a near bye Asteroid belt. Salira believes this to be the perfect opportunity to launch a mission to recover some information from the Cruiser, and get some valuable information. 

They need to act quickly, though, as the Empire is already en route to rescue the crew of the Cruiser....